Saturday 14 January 2012

A New Year - A New (More Determined) Me

Happy New Year!

Last year went so fast I couldn't quite believe it when the bells went! I have a feeling that this year is going to be a great one.
However, for me, this year is going to be a particularly tricky one with all my Highers in May (and my prelims in 2 weeks!!). I am determined to do my very best and get the marks that I fully deserve and actually revise so I can get the best marks possible!

Wednesday 7 December 2011

It's Panto Time!

Off to the panto tonight to see Snow White and the Seven Gnomes. So glad they actually get to do it this year but a bit sad that I couldn't do it with them. Oh well, going to be so great!

Saturday 3 December 2011

Such a funny moment!

Today was the caroling gig at IKEA today with the band - which we raised £318 at!! - in the absolutely freezing cold. The absolute highlight was when Scott dropped his slide and sent it clattering to the ground. We were in the middle of a song and every few notes people kept dropping out because they couldn't keep a straight face! By the time we got through the first verse nobody could carry on they were laughing so hard!! I have to laugh even just thinking about it! :-)

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Day off school!

No school today! It's actually been quite a nice day (if you excuse all the homework and stuff that I have to do)!   :-)